Lylat Wiki:What Lylat Wiki is not

Revision as of 03:22, 23 December 2018 by Results May Vary (talk | contribs) (superseded)
Shortcut: LW:NOT


General Pepper.png

General Pepper:

Peppy, When you have a chance, please look at this policy. I would like your opinion on it.

Peppy Hare:

Right, I will place my feedback on the talk page.
Peppy Hare.png
This draft policy is recommend by a member in accordance with LW:Draft. You are free to make small changes, as long as the original purpose of the policy is preserved. Any feedback should be provided on the talk page.

We are an Independent Wiki. We aren't Wikia, we aren't Wikipedia. We are focused only on Star Fox, and we do it for free!

We do this out of the kindness of our heart, by fans, for fans. Any revenue made by the wiki goes to the wiki, not some higher-ups that care nothing for our content.

We choose to be independent from Wikia for a reason. We are currently allowing stuff to be taken from Wikia to support the merger, but only texts and files. No templates or categories. If you are found to be in violation of this rule, you will receive a warning. Repeat offenders will receive bans. This also applies to images. You may not take any images found on Wikia or another Star Fox wiki without proper accreditation.

When the merger is done, we will reverse our position on this.