

Algy is a member of the Star Wolf Wing appearing exclusively in Star Fox 2. He has not appeared in any other games in the series, his role being replaced by Andrew Oikonny in Star Fox 64.

Algy only appears in the hard mode of the game.


Algy has distinctively large eyes. He is likely a lemur, most closely resembling the sportive lemur (Lepilemur).

Development (out-of-game)

In the fan translation of the pre-release build, Algy was erreoneously referred to as "Andrew". However, he has a different name in the Japanese version of the prototype, as well as in all versions of the final build.

In-game history

Algy is a member of the Star Wolf Wing, a mercenary team hired by Andross in his second attempt to conquer the Lylat system.

Game appearances


