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Beltino Orbital Gate

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Beltino Orbital Gate
The Beltino Orbital Gate in Star Fox: Assault.
Stage type Space Station
Games Star Fox: Assault, Star Fox Command
No music provided
Star Fox: Assault info
Bronze Medal 400
Silver Medal 1200
Gold Medal 2100
Navigation info
<-- Corneria Route Aparoid Homeworld -->
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The Beltino Orbital Gate is a large orbital gate over Corneria, named for Beltino Toad. The gate serves as a large scientific research station. During the Aparoid invasion it was the site of a large battle between the Aparoids and the Cornerian Defense Force. After the war, it became the center of government for Corneria while the capital was being rebuilt from the invasion. It is similar to Sector Z from Star Fox 64.

During the Aparoid invasion in Star Fox: Assault, after Beltino Toad discovered the location of the Aparoid Homeworld, the Aparoids responded with a full scale assault on the gate. After a successful retaliation by Star Fox team, the Aparoids sent a barrage of missiles at the gate, which were destroyed by the combined efforts of the Star Fox and Star Wolf teams.

It was revealed that after the Aparoids had annihilated Corneria City, a provisional government was established under military supervision that will last until the destruction of the Aparoids has been confirmed, in which case, they will relenquish soverignty as soon as possible. The destruction level of the Orbital Gate was at level C, and the Aparoids were expunged.

It later makes a reappearance during the attack by the Anglar in Star Fox Command. Here, the gate was located closer to the Asteroid Belt and was the site of several of Star Fox's battles against the Anglar. Fox McCloud, Slippy Toad, Falco Lombardi, and ROB 64 only entered the station at one point, though. There, they met up with Beltino again who told them that they would need to go to Titania to find a device built by Andross that could defeat the Anglar. Beltino advised Fox to go to Katina first, though, so that he could he make up with Krystal and ask her to recomplete his team. Beltino and Slippy then revamped Fox's Arwing II for his next mission.

Super Smash Bros. series

A stage based on Beltino Orbital Gate appears as a stage in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, named Orbital Gate Assault. The original location itself also received a trophy.

Trophy information

Trophy information
Game Description Obtain

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
NTSC-U: The site of a battle in Star Fox: Assault. After locating the enemy homeworld, the Star Fox team was standing by at the Orbital Gate to begin the final attack, but the Aparoids suddenly mounted an offensive of their own! In the Smash Bros. stage, you fight atop the Arwings and enemy missiles as they battle it out.

PAL: The site of a battle in Star Fox: Assault. After locating the enemy homeworld, the Star Fox team were standing by at the Orbital Gate to begin the final offensive, but the Aparoids suddenly mounted an offensive on the gate itself. In the Smash Bros. stage, you fight atop the Arwings and enemy missiles as the battle rages on.

GCN Star Fox: Assault (2/2005)
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