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''Invader II Fighters'' were a class of star fighter used by the [[Venomian Army]] during the [[Lylat Wars]].  They were first encountered by the [[Star Fox Team]] when the team came to the aid of the beleaguered [[Cornerian Army|Cornerian Defense Forces]] on [[Katina]].  Despite improvements on the original design, the Invader IIs still retained numerous design flaws and proved vastly inferior to [[Cornerian Fighter]]s.   
'''Invader II Fighters''' were a class of star fighter used by the [[Venomian Army]] during the [[Lylat Wars]].  They were first encountered by the [[Star Fox Team]] when the team came to the aid of the beleaguered [[Cornerian Army|Cornerian Defense Forces]] on [[Katina]].  Despite improvements on the original design, the Invader IIs still retained numerous design flaws and proved vastly inferior to [[Cornerian Fighter]]s.   

In an effort to improve their odds, the Invader IIs were painted the same colors as their Cornerian foes, hoping that Star Fox would accidently target and shoot down their friends in the confusion.  The [[Arwing]]'s [[Targeting Computer]] was able to tell the difference between friend and foe, though, and despite being deployed in the hundreds the Invader IIs were unable to gain air superiority or protect their carrier [[Saucerer]] from destruction.
In an effort to improve their odds, the Invader IIs were painted the same colors as their Cornerian foes, hoping that Star Fox would accidently target and shoot down their friends in the confusion.  The [[Arwing]]'s [[Targeting Computer]] was able to tell the difference between friend and foe, though, and despite being deployed in the hundreds the Invader IIs were unable to gain air superiority or protect their carrier [[Saucerer]] from destruction.
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