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From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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Fox McCloud:

This article is missing an introduction section.

General Pepper:

Please help develop An introduction section in accordance with The Introduction Standards.

This template is meant to mark a page on the wiki which has no introductory paragraph (i.e. the text begins with a sub-heading or with any paragraph that does not begin with 'Page Title is'). This template should be added to the top of a page to call for other editors to write one.

Once the page has an intro paragraph, this template should be removed from the page.


{{intro-missing | date = }}

Paste the above code into any page. See parameters table below to fill parameters.


Name Description Value information
date the date the template was added to the page


  1. Required parameters are in bold, followed by explanation of usage. Italicized parameters have a related behavior change, when a certain value is inserted.
  2. For if anything happens because a specific related value is not entered.